
Below are a number of Video Resources that will help provide you with information that will help in making informed decisions about the political rhetoric that is spread so widely in the media and the Internet.

The Obama Auto Industry Bailout: GOT Truth 7

Obama & Christmas Trees: GOT Truth 6

Obama & Presidential Vacations: GOT Truth 5

Obama & Israel:

GOT Truth 4 

"Ehud Barak Interview.” FoxNews, (Axelrod, David, Campaign 2012, as cited in “Democratic Voter,” IV, October 20, 2011, 1). 


 Barak on Barack - Asked on Fox News whether he thought Israelis were "disenchanted" with President Obama, Barak said: 


 "No. Our countries are good friends. And I'm the minister of defense. I can tell you that I can hardly remember...a better period of support, American support and cooperation and similar strategic understanding of events around us than what we have right now.


 "The President didn't say that Israel should go back to the borders of '67. He made it very clear that he thinks that Palestinians deserve a state of their own. We also believe in two states...[a] secure Israel side by side with a emilitarized Palestinian state that will basically have the same area that the West Bank and Gaza Strip had before '67 with certain swaps, with understanding of the transformation on the ground." 


 [Over the next 15 months, Republicans will do their best to distort the President's record -- particularly on Israel. We've already seen them mischaracterizing the vision he's laid out for a new era of peace in the Middle East. It's up to supporters like us to set the record straight.  see Snap fact #3 for more  

Obama Fact vs Fiction:

GOT Truth 3


The Openness Of The Obama White Hous


GOT (Get Out The) Truth? On openness of Obama White House.

Facts, plain & simple, verifiable and undeniable. Enough irrational Internet rumor-mongering and myth-spreading about the President

of The United States of America, from both extremes of the current political divide. 

Obama Facts vs. Fiction: 

GOT Truth 2

Supporting documents

The Obameter:  Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

PolitiFact compiled more than 500 promises that Barack Obama made during the campaign and is tracking their progress on our Obameter.  To find out more, check out the Obameter on 

Obama Facts vs. Fiction:

GOT Truth 1

Supporting documentsFalse: "President Obama Wasted Tax Payer Dollars to Re-decorate the White House" New presidents are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office. When President and Michelle Obama hired Hollywood decorator Michael S. Smith to renovate the White House and Oval Office, they decided not to use taxpayer money and paid for all the decorating themselves.Home Decorating With the Obamas to use own cash to redecorate White House: 

Also certified as false that President Obama changed the decor in the Oval Office from a red, white, and blue color scheme to a "Middle Eastern" one.           

"Rotten to Decor":

Memoli, Michael A. "Obama's Oval Office gets makeover," Los Angeles Times, Sept. 1, 2010.

Article cites modest changes to oval office, all done at no taxpayer expense. It was a face-lift, complete with a new rug, fresh wallpaper and paint, and new furniture, paid for by the White House Endowment Trust, which received a donation from Obama's Presidential Inaugural Committee. Efforts were made to ensure that the additions were American made. The total cost was said to be "comparable" to what former Presidents George W. Bush and Clinton had spent.

Phillips, Michael M.  "Oval Office Gets Obama Makeover,"Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2010

With the economy still in the dumps today, the White House eagerly reminded reporters that the non-profit White House Historical Association paid for the redecorating through a contribution from the Presidential Inaugural Committee. Both Bush and President Bill Clinton ordered a “comparable level of redesign,” the White House said, with Obama’s redecorating costs “in line with the amount spent” by his immediate predecessors.

Dwyer, Devin. "Oval Office Extreme Makeover?" ABC News, August 30, 2010.

ABC News & rebut allegations that Oval Office cosmetic facelift was extreme some sort of shocking waste of tax dollars, recalling that the Bush administration upgrades including an expensive sunburst carpet designed by then-First Lady Laura Bush.

Jennings, Alicia. "The Oval Office gets a whole new look," MSNBC, August 31, 2010.

Reports that President Obama turned down the allotted $100,00 budget to overhaul the Oval Office and White House residence. The First Couple used their personal money to overhaul the private living quarters when they moved in. The modest redesign of the Oval Office  was described as being "in line with the amount spent by Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush on the redesigns of their Oval Office," and was paid for with funds from the Presidential Inaugural Committee, donated to the White House Historical Association.

President Obama Has Redecorated the Oval Office Middle Eastern Style-Fiction! is similar to, and has been used by librarians.