Snap Fact #310 - President Obama Has a Real Plan For the Economy. Governor Romney as Empty Words!

Post date: Sep 19, 2012 2:52:42 PM

Snap Fact #310

President Obama Has a Real Plan For the Economy. Governor Romney as Empty Words!

The Rational Majority urges you to get the full details of the President’s plans at The President’s goals for America at The following thumbnail summary and SNAP-FACTUAL Pocket Card will give you the highlights:

President Obama’s

Goals for America

1. Create a million new manufacturing jobs: President Obama will:

2. Double exports: In 2010 and 2011, exports rose by 36 percent, putting us on course to reach our goal. So far, these record-breaking exports have supported an additional 1.2 million jobs. To finish the job President Obama will:

3. Cut net oil imports in half: To reach this goal, President Obama will pursue an all-of-the-above energy strategy that is:

4. Support 600,000 natural gas jobs by the end of the decade. President Obama is:

5. Support Higher Education President Obama will work with colleges and universities to:

6. End overseas wars and rebuild the economy. President Obama will:

7. Reducing the deficit by more than $4 trillion. President Obama will:

In past SNAP-CAPS we have likened the President to a patient Chess-Master who can envision the end game from the start. He can see many moves ahead and he is able to play forward towards the final check mate while his opponent usually struggles with only the next move in front of him. (see SNAP-CAPS 210, 213, 237, 249, 250, 270, & 305.)In business, in government, in almost any endeavor, the person who can see, plan, and act from a long term perspective has a huge advantage over any short term thinkers. This is perfectly exemplified by the current candidates for the office of the President of the United States.

While we have already spoken of our Chess-Master, his opponent doesn’t seem to ever see past his audience of the moment. Some would call it “flip-flopping”, some would say he has “no moral compass”, and others would opine that he “just doesn’t get it”.  Whatever you call it, the bottom line is that Governor Romney doesn’t have a grasp on the nature of the game. Day by day he proves that he is inept and not competent to be the President of the United States.

As we close in on November 6th, Governor Romney has not put forward a plan for Job creation, other than his stolen pledge the he would create 12 million jobs in the next 4 years. Anyone paying attention knows that impartial Moody’s forecast says that if everything stays as it is today, 12 million jobs will be created in the next 4 years. Romney has simply co-opted Moody’s numbers and is falsely taking pre-credit for the predicted likely future result.

Consider that an August 30, 2012 the Washington Post exposed Romney’s thinly veiled plagiarized promise to create 12 million jobs by reducing debt, reforming the tax code (the rich will get richer in this reform while the middle class will subsidize the billionaires), removing regulatory restraints, and encouraging free trade.  

Let’s look at the numbers. Currently, the relatively lackluster job market produces only about 150,000 added jobs per month. Everyone, including the President, believes that is an anemic and unacceptable rate of job growth. Everyone agrees that more growth is needed; but do the math and you will quickly see that if we stumble along and this “sluggish” pace, a total of 7.2 million new jobs will have been created by 2016.

In order to reach 12 million we need 250,000 new jobs each month, surely an achievable figure, especially since in President Bush’s final stretch we were losing 750,000 each month. Now let’s look at some of the other estimates that the Washington Post obtained from unimpeachable impartial sources.

First, “the Congressional Budget Office is required to consider the effects of the so-called “fiscal cliff” if a year-end budget deal is not reached, which many experts believe would push the country into a recession. But even with that caveat, the nonpartisan agency assumes 9.6 million jobs will be created in the next four years. (This is a revision downward; CBO had estimated 11 million in January.)”

“But Moody’s Analytics, in an August forecast, predicts 12 million jobs will be created by 2016, no matter who is president... And Macroeconomic Advisors in April also predicted a gain of 12.3 million jobs.”

“In other words, this is a fairly safe bet by Romney, even if he has a somewhat fuzzy plan for action. We have often noted that presidents are often at the mercy—or the beneficiary—of broad economic trends, and Romney’s pledge appears to be an effort to take advantage of that.”

With two dramatic, but increasingly likely conditions, the new employment number is likely to go much higher. First is the re-election of the President to a second term. Alongside that, if we get a Democratic controlled House and a filibuster-proof Senate to partner with the President in the 113th Congress job creation might eclipse the 12 million prediction by a mile. Given this fortunate possible occurrence, a rational jobs bill will be passed and the country will come roaring out of the recession.

In his first term, the President has created a forward looking infrastructure that initially had stopped the bleeding, quickly turned the downtrend into an uptrend for 29 consecutive months to date, and now is poised for further growth, this in spite of a downright disloyal and destructive opposition from the Republicans in Congress.

Rather than speaking irrelevant and inane platitudes, President Obama has unveiled a real plan of action to build on the foundation he has already laid and to put even more Americans back to work and rebuild the beleaguered middle class. The President’s omnibus plan will begin to bring manufacturing back to America, enhance our energy independence, address the deficit, and help our communities reinstate their police, fire fighters, and educators so we can rebuild our country.



1. Create 1 million new manufacturing jobs.

2. Double exports.

3. Cut net oil imports in half.

4. Create 600,000 natural gas jobs by 2020.

5. Support Higher Education.

6. End overseas wars and rebuild the economy.

7. Reduce the deficit by more than $4 trillion.

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