To All The Strong Women In My Life And The Men Who Support Us!

There is no question that the 2012 election will be decided by women - I believe we have the most to gain (or lose!) and we need to be raising our voices loudly and clearly from now until November!

I heard this morning on TV that the Romney campaign has started to shift and, understanding that they have a "problem" with women, are trying to address that "problem" - in other words, here comes the BS!

I, being a product of those times decades ago when a woman's voice was heard pretty much only when the discussion concerned raising children or which detergent was the best at getting out stains, fought alongside millions of women to get us to where we are today and I have NO intention of standing still and allowing ANY of those rights to be taken away or even diminished! 

Our biggest problem in my opinion will be the millions and millions of dollars that will be spent distorting the President's record and the character of the man himself - anyone who knows me knows I think he is a giant amongst men - I don't remember having this high an opinion of any other man in my lifetime.  I really don't think most people appreciate what this President has had to deal with these last three plus years - I think most of that is due to the calm nature of the man.  He handles everything with such confidence that it is hard for the average American to understand the obstacles that have been thrown in his path. Plus, he isn't the type to brag about what he has done - he just goes about the business of getting stuff done!

So, it will be up to us,  especially the strong women in his email, to do the bragging for him!  If any of you aren't yet on The Rational Majority, I urge you to not only sign up but, more importantly, to send the link to any waffling voter you know. We all need to be writing letters to the editors of both local and national newspapers extolling the accomplishments of our President and disputing any lies you see written about him.  Post to your Facebook page - tweet - just please be active on a daily basis - we REALLY CAN'T AFFORD to relax and let anyone else do this work!  Join OFA , the President's campaign, locally and help with voter registrations, canvassing and phone calls.

Above all remember -  WE are the ones WE have been waiting for!!  


Jayne Chapman