Snap-O Fact #83
Post date: Jan 27, 2012 1:21:35 PM
Snap-O Fact #83
President Obama Honors Long Denied Korean Vets!
With a patriotic eye toward acknowledging the unsung heroes of the Korean War, on July 27, 2009, which is the 56th anniversary of National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, President Obama signed the Korean War Veterans Recognition Act into law. July 27th has been added to the national list of days when the Stars & Stripes is especially encouraged to be flown by citizens of the United States of America to honor the sacrifices of those who fought heroically in that almost forgotten war.
The President officially proclaimed this day as the National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. “The freedom, security and prosperity that we enjoy as a nation exists only because of the heroic and selfless sacrifices of America’s servicemen and women. Today, we owe special remembrance to the veterans of the Korean War, and especially the United States and allied combatants who made the ultimate sacrifice in Korea. For their courageous actions in pursuit of freedom and democracy for the Korean peninsula, these dedicated men and women deserve our unending respect and gratitude,” said President Obama.