Snap Fact #290 - President Obama Fights to Reverse the Shrinking of the American Middle Class!
Post date: Aug 29, 2012 8:19:48 PM
Snap Fact #290
President Obama Fights to Reverse the Shrinking of the American Middle Class!
Pew's survey found more of the middle class support Obama's policies than Romney's.
More than half (52 percent) of those polled said Obama's policies would help the middle class in a second term, while 39 percent say they would not. Forty-two percent said Romney would benefit middle income Americans if elected, while 40 percent say his policies would not help, the survey showed.
Researchers said they found that "neither candidate has sealed the deal with them, but that President Obama is in somewhat better shape than his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney."
Polls have shown Obama with a growing lead over Romney.
The plight of the middle class has become a bellwether of the U.S. economy in the wake of the recent Great Recession that officially ran from December 2007 to June 2009, ending just six months into Obama's first term.
According to the poll, 62 percent of respondents said Congress deserved "a lot" of the blame for the nation's economic troubles over the past decade, while 29 percent blamed lawmakers "a little." Banks and financial institutions as well as large corporations were also largely at fault, respondents told Pew.
Various surveys have shown Americans -- particularly women, minorities, children and young adults -- are still struggling amid the slowest economic recovery since the 1980-81 period.
Pew's analysis is based on data from the Census Bureau as well as the Federal Reserve Bank and is broadly in line with separate reports from the two government entities that were released in June.
According to the Census Bureau, household wealth declined by 35 percent to $66,740 between 2005 and 2010 as home values and share prices plummeted. The Fed report showed median family net worth plunged to $77,300 in 2010 from $126,400 in 2007.
For its report, Pew defined middle class as households with incomes from $39,000 to $118,000, a range that is between two-thirds and double the national median.
Its survey is based on telephone interviews from July 16 to July 26 with 1,287 U.S. adults who identified as middle class and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 2.8 percentage points.
(Reporting By Susan Heavey; additional reporting by Lucia Mutikani; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)
After learning the facts about the decline of the middle class, and just who has minimized it, can a Rational person go to the polls and vote for the people who have cynically and contemptuously squashed the American dream for so many hard working Americans? The end game of the right is to gain absolute power for the 1%. President Obama stands up every day, in every way, for the people who really make America great.
There is one thing that people of all political persuasions should be able to agree on – that is the importance of the middle class. Only an irrational person would not understand that the economic engine of any nation’s economy is fueled by the middle class. The wider and stronger that group of citizens is, the healthier their economy will be – and the stronger and healthier it is for the country’s families. So if we can agree on identifying the problem, why can’t we agree on the solution? The answer to that question was initially articulated by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when he called for all Republicans to unquestionably stonewall any legislation that the President proposed. This has been confirmed not only by repeated statements by prominent Republicans – but more importantly by their actions. Whether one agrees with this strategy or not, it is not possible for a reasonable person to deny that this cynical campaign is in place.
The problem is not merely a political disaster for the President, it has been a major disaster for our country. One of the major consequences has been the dramatic shrinkage of the middle class in America. Fortunately, Americans are smarter than we are given credit for. You will see below that the majority trust the President more than Governor Romney and Congress to lead us out of the woods. Consider the recent report from Reuters:
By Susan Heavey | Reuters – Wed, Aug 22, 2012 2:32 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The middle class has shrunk drastically over the last 10 years as Americans' net worth has plunged, wages declined and standards of living slipped away, according to a report released on Wednesday. (August 22, 2012 – ed.)
Middle-income earners, long seen as the solid center of the country, are pessimistic and place the blame squarely on U.S. lawmakers, banks and big business, the findings by the Pew Research Center showed.
"America's middle class has endured its worst decade in modern history," researchers wrote.
Since 2001, median household income has fallen from $72,956 to $69,487 in 2010, the report said.
The median household net worth, which is the value of assets minus debt, dropped from $129,582 to $93,150 over the same 10-year period, according to Pew, which analyzed U.S. data along with its own survey of nearly 1,300 adults who consider themselves middle class.
The nonpartisan research group's snapshot comes in the midst of a close presidential campaign that has become in part a referendum on whether President Barack Obama's policies over the last few years have helped Americans as the nation struggles to recover from deep economic woes.
His Republican rival Mitt Romney, a multi-millionaire former private equity executive who is one of the richest men ever to run for president, has based his campaign on his pledge to build jobs and boost the economy.