Snap Fact #258 - President Obama Created an Artist Corps for Public Schools!
Post date: Jul 27, 2012 8:18:43 PM
Snap Fact #258
President Obama Created an Artist Corps for Public Schools!
While attending to the grave matters of state, the President never lets his thoughts roam far from the holistic welfare of the children of America. Today’s SNAP-CAP deals with one of these little reported details.
As he promised during his Presidential campaign in 2008, President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act on April 21, 2009 in order to increase volunteers and services across the country. (See SNAP-CAP #247 for details of this Act.)
Among these beneficial programs in this Act is the creation of the Education Corps which helps artists and musicians to improve their skills and use their talent to help others. Specifically, the music and creativity promoted by this policy will be of benefit in education, the low-income community, therapy, and other health care programs designed to help others. As a result, the Artist Corps not only helps society and artists themselves, but it also strengthens the economy and the welfare of the country.
"When I was a kid," the President opined in a recent Wallingford, Pa. speech, "you always had an art teacher and a music teacher. Even in the poorest school districts, everyone had access to music and other arts." "People understood that even though they hadn't done all the scientific research," Mr. Obama continued, "children who learn music actually do better in math and kids whose imaginations are sparked by the arts are more engaged in school."