Snap-O Fact #33
Post date: Dec 17, 2011 12:31:18 PM
Snap-O Fact #33
President Obama initiated a “Race to the Top” competitive educational grant program for states that develop innovative policies.
During his campaign, President Obama promised to improve the educational system in the United States to prepare our students to excel individually and to prepare our students for global competition. Throughout his first term he has initiated and supported the “Race to the Top”. He requested $4.35 billion for this program in his FY 2011 budget.
Awards will be given to states moving in the right direction with ambitious programs supported by achievable goals to improve education in their state.
Specifically, the program focuses on four main areas: 1) Building standards and assessments insuring students are ready to compete in college, the workplace, and the global economy. 2) Creating the data system to inform educators about their students’ performance. 3) Recruiting and training effective teachers and principals. 4) Focusing on improving lower-achieving schools in each district.