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Snap Facts
President Obama’s Impeccable Negotiation Record Stands as Russian Ships Turn Back
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Snap Fact #186
Snap Fact #187 - The 2 Part Story Of The President's Success In Yemen Is One That You REALLY Need To Know!
Snap Fact #188 - The 2 Part Story Of The President's Success In Yemen Is One That You REALLY Need To Know!
Snap Fact #189 - The Obama Administration Ordered Restructuring of Minerals Management Service to Cut Energy Company Ties to the Government!
Snap Fact #190 - President Obama's AIG Bailout Settlement Plan Results In A Revived Company + A Net Gain to U.S. Taxpayers Of $Billions in Profit!
Snap Fact #191 - President Obama’s Justice Department Slows Down A Power Hungry Bully!
Snap Fact #192 - President Obama’s Energy Program Will Have Great Long Term Effect But Little In The Short Term!
Snap Fact #193 - President Obama Successfully Endorsed and Supported an Act To Close Offshore Tax Avoidance Loopholes!
Snap Fact #194 - Showing His Leadership Qualities, President Obama Gives Congress To-Do List on Jobs, Economy!
Snap Fact #195 - Senators Menendez and Boxer Introduce The Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2012, a Key Part of President Obama’s “To Do List”!
Snap Fact #196 - President Obama Has Consistently Championed Equal Rights For Gays and Lesbians!
Snap Fact #197 - President Obama Leads “Team of Rivals” to Excellence in Government!
Snap Fact #198 - President Obama’s Life Experiences Inspire His Strong Stand For Women!
Snap Fact #199 - Credit Governor Romney With One of President Obama’s Great Successes!
Snap Fact #200 - Growth Rate of Federal Spending, Under President Obama, is Lowest in Sixty Years!
Snap Fact #201 - President Obama Established the White House Council on Women and Girls!
Snap Fact #202 - President Barack Hussein Obama Was Awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize!
Snap Fact #203 - President Obama Stands Up For The Environment At Yucca Mountain!
Snap Fact #204 - President Obama Shows Respect and Support For Families of Fallen Soldiers!
Snap Fact #205 - President Obama Honored Fallen Soldiers and Veterans on Memorial Day!
Snap Fact #206 - President Obama Motivated the Senate’s Decision To Eliminate the F-22 Fighter Jet Program!
Snap Fact #207 - President Obama Advocates Growth over Austerity!
Snap Fact #208 - President Obama Established A Public Health Council To Improve American’s Health Care!
Snap Fact #209 - President Obama Proposes Robust Bank Regulation to Protect Taxpayers!
Snap Fact #210 - President Obama Moves to Level the Playing Field with China!
Snap Fact #211 - Federal Appeals Court Backs President Obama’s Position on Defense of Marriage Act!
Snap Fact #212 - The True Story About Presidents Bush’s and Obama’s Solyndra Initiative!
Snap Fact #213 - President Obama takes a page from the Moody Blues in His Stunning Space Program Victory!
Snap Fact #214 - President Obama’s Courageous Drone War is Decimating Al-Qaeda!
Snap Fact #215 - Presidents Obama and Bush’s Top Secret Cyber-Weapon Program Springs Leaks!
Snap Fact #216 - 2012 Progress Report: President Obama's Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)!
Snap Fact #217 - Super-Snap – What You Really NEED To Know About ObamaCare!
Snap Fact #218 - ObamaCare Provides Protection From Insurance Company Cancellations!
Snap Fact #219 - ObamaCare Guarantees That Sick Children Can’t Be Denied Coverage!
Snap Fact #220 - ObamaCare Helps You If You’re Uninsured or Losing Your Coverage!
Snap Fact #221 - ObamaCare Eliminates Concerns About Continued Treatment For Chronic Illness!
Snap Fact #222 - ObamaCare Provides New Resources to Help You Get Coverage!
Snap Fact #223 - ObamaCare Provides Positive Medicare Changes For Seniors!
Snap Fact #224 - ObamaCare Offers Positive Changes For Small Employers!
Snap Fact #225 - ObamaCare Provides New Help for Health-Care Costs!
Snap Fact #226 - ObamaCare Allows For Justifiable Rate Increases!
Snap Fact #227 - ObamaCare Assures Essential Health Benefits Even For Individuals and Small Groups!
Snap Fact #228 - Are We Better Off Today Than 4 Years Ago, Before President Obama Took Office?
Snap Fact #229 - The Obama Administration Provided $5 Billion to Early Learning Programs!
Snap Fact #230 - Obama’s Administration Finalizes Life-Saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards!
Snap Fact #231 - President Obama leads again - He Orders U.S. to Stop Deportation of Qualified Young "Illegals"!
Snap Fact #232 - President Obama Oversaw an Act that Provided $2 Billion for Neighborhood Stabilization!
Snap Fact #233 - How Many Times Does a Man Have to Hear That Obama is a Committed Friend of Israel?
Snap Fact #234 - President Obama Provided $2.1 Billion in Additional Funding to Head Start Programs!
Snap Fact #235 - The Obama Administration Provided $5 Billion to Early Learning Programs!
Snap Fact #236 - Another Reason to Love ObamaCare: 3 Million Young Americans Now Have Health Insurance That Did Not Have It Before!
Snap Fact #237 - President Obama Gains a Double (Arguably Triple) Victory For the Good of the Country!
Snap Fact #238 - "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" President Obama Decides What to do With a Witch’s Brew in a Cauldron of Oil
Snap Fact #239 - The Obama Administration Enforced Federal Mandate to Cover Free Contraceptives for Women!
Snap Fact #240 - President Obama Proposes to Increase Consumer Tax Credit for Plug-in Hybrid Cars!
Snap Fact #241 - President Obama has fought for American Jobs Creation, While Governor Romney Pioneered Job Outsourcing!
Snap Fact #242 - President Obama has fought for American Jobs Creation, While Governor Romney Pioneered Job Outsourcing!
Snap Fact #243 - President Obama Has Changed The Conversation: Pentagon Will Celebrate Gay Pride!
Snap Fact #244 - President Obama Supports Teachers and Teachers Support the President, in Spite of Some Policy Disagreements!
Snap Fact #245 - On the 40th anniversary of the law that ended gender discrimination in schools, President Barack Obama reflects on how Title IX shaped a generation of strong women!
Snap Fact #246 - Another Obama Eco-Friendly Scheme: Development and Usage of Biobased Products Helps Farmers while Helping Our Ecology!
Snap Fact #247 - President Obama Signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act to Support Volunteerism!
Snap Fact #248 - President Obama Keeps A Promise… Osama bin Laden Pays the Freight!
Snap Fact #249 - The Chess Master President Takes Two More Pieces in the Global Chess Game He’s Playing in Pakistan & Afghanistan!
Snap Fact #250 - The Chess Master President Takes Two More Pieces in the Global Chess Game He’s Playing in Pakistan & Afghanistan!
Snap Fact #251 - President Obama Continues to Work for a Just and Sustainable Israeli-Palestinian Peace!
Snap Fact #252 - Declining Medicare Costs Attest To The Promise Of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act!
Snap Fact #253 - The Obama Administration Restores Practice of Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers and Veterans!
Snap Fact #254 - President Obama's Stimulus Improves Veteran Affairs Health Services by Funding VA Electronic Medical Record System!
Snap Fact #255 - President Obama Comforts the Bereaved in Aurora, Colorado!
Snap Fact #256 - President Obama Ended The Unsuccessful "Star Wars" Program!
Snap Fact #257 - The Objective Economic Skinny on the Financial Aspects of ObamaCare - it's a no-brainer!
Snap Fact #258 - President Obama Created an Artist Corps for Public Schools!
Snap Fact #259 - President Obama Champions the Importance of the Arts Education!
Snap Fact #260 - President Obama Signs New Enhanced Israel Security Bill on July 27, 2012!
Snap Fact #261 - President Obama Requested to Increase Funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Smithsonian!
Snap Fact #262 - President Obama Signs New Enhanced Israel Security Bill on July 27, 2012!
Snap Fact #263 - ObamaCare ObamaCheck is On Its Way To Millions!
Snap Fact #264 - President Obama affected a Staff Pay Freeze and Limited Their Lobbying Actions via Executive Order!
Snap Fact #265 - President Obama Made Donations to Haiti Disaster Relief Tax Deductible!
Snap Fact #266 - Obama Administration to Finalize New 54.5 Gasoline Mileage Standard; Romney Vows to Rescind the Standard if Elected President!
Snap Fact #267 - President Obama Leads the Democratic Party into an Historic Step for Justice For All!
Snap Fact #268 - President Obama Has the Only Tax Plan That Will Help the Middle Class!
Snap Fact #269 - Native Americans Know That President Obama Has Their Backs; and Backs Up His Words With Actions!
Snap Fact #270 - Iran's Smugglers Feel the Squeeze of Obama Administration & EU Sanctions!
Snap Fact #271 - President Obama Has Doubled Down On the Rich Tradition Of Presidential Relations With the American Jewish Community!
Snap Fact #272 - What Would Women's Health Be Without ObamaCare?
Snap Fact #273 - President Obama Celebrates the Citizenship and Contributions of All Americans!
Snap Fact #274 - President Obama’s Choice of Vice President Joseph Biden in 2008 Contrasts Radically with Governor Romney’s Selection of Paul Ryan!
Snap Fact #275 - President Obama Has Unbelievably Been Stonewalled By Congress on Veterans Benefits!
Snap Fact #276 -The Obama Recovery Act Was a Job Creating Machine! Part 1 of 5
Snap Fact #277 - The Obama Recovery Act was virtually free of waste, pork and fraud! Part 2 of 5
Snap Fact #278 - An Even Bigger Obama Recovery Act would have been better, but was unachievable! Part 3 of 5
Snap Fact #279 - The Obama Recovery Act, Like the New Deal, Will Leave a Cherished National Legacy! Part 4 of 5
Snap Fact #280 - The Passage and Success of the Obama Recovery Act was a stunning accomplishment! Part 5 of 5
Snap Fact #281 - President Obama is 4-Square for the Farm Bill; Florida’s JR Gaillot Stands Beside the President!
Snap Fact #282 - Obama Executive Order: Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls!
Snap Fact #283 - The Obama Administration has added less than 20% as Much to the National Debt as Compared With the Bush Administration!
Snap Fact #284 - President Obama Has Strengthened Medicare: Republicans Have Totally Distorted His Achievement!
Snap Fact #285 - President Obama’s Rational Jobs Plans Ambushed by Republican Wrecking Crew – Cost 4 Million Jobs and Counting!
Snap Fact #286 - President Obama’s Performance in Office Earns Accolades from Two High Profile Former Jewish Critics – Part 1
Snap Fact #287 - President Obama’s Performance in Office Earns Accolades from Two High Profile Former Jewish Critics – Part 2
Snap Fact #288 - 1.7 Million Youngsters affected by the President’s “Obamagration” Policy!
Snap Fact #289 - Obama Administration Pushes for Infertility Treatments; Romney/Ryan’s Plan Could Send Romney's Sons to Jail!
Snap Fact #290 - President Obama Fights to Reverse the Shrinking of the American Middle Class!
Snap Fact #291 - Why Do We Continue to Publish SNAP-CAPs on President Obama’s Commitment to Israel? Let Edgar Bronfman Say it Clearly!
Snap Fact #292 - President Obama’s Policies Have Been Bringing Back the Very Industry the Governor Romney Helped to Outsource!
Snap Fact #293 - President Obama Gave Us ObamaCare - GOP False Claims Ring Hollow!
Snap Fact #294 - President Obama Has Been Thoroughly Vetted while Governor Romney Hides Under a Shroud of Mystery – Part 1
Snap Fact #295 - President Obama Has Been Thoroughly Vetted while Governor Romney Hides Under a Shroud of Mystery – Part 2
Snap Fact #296 - The Obama Administration Has Finalized Historic Clean Car Standards!
Snap Fact #297 - President Obama Was Not a Businessman – Mitt Romney Was – How Has That Prepared Them to Be President? – Part 1 – The Real Olympics Story!
Snap Fact #298 - President Obama Was Not a Businessman – Mitt Romney Was – How Has That Prepared Them to Be President? – Part 2 – The Real Bain Story!
Snap Fact #299 - The Obama Administration Has Finalized Historic Clean Car Standards!
Snap Fact #300 - President Obama's Job Creation Record is Outstanding by Any Measurement - Except in the Republican Propaganda World!
Snap Fact #301 - The Obama Administration Expanded the Nurse-Family Partnership to Low-Income, First Time Mothers!
Snap Fact #302 - President Obama Established “Promise Neighborhood” Grants to Give Disadvantaged Youngsters a Hand Up Rather Than a Hand Out!
Snap Fact #303 - President Obama Sends Another Al-Qaida Leader To Meet The Virgins!
Snap Fact #304 - While Fact Checkers Point Out Some Spin in President Obama’s Speech; They Clobber Ryan’s Incredible Mendacity!
Snap Fact #305 - President Obama’s Long Term Research Program is Paying Off with Stunning Medical Breakthroughs!
Snap Fact #306 - Alan Grayson of Florida’s 9th District Will Press the President To Focus on Getting the Housing Market Back In Shape!
Snap Fact #307 - President Obama’s First Term Accomplishments Are Remarkable. Imagine What He will be Able to Do in His Next Term!
Snap Fact #308 - Why People Love ObamaCare (Another SNAP-FACTUAL Pocket-Card Special)!
Snap Fact #309 - President Obama Fights to Help Families Save Their Homes – and He Wins For 1.2 Million!
Snap Fact #310 - President Obama Has a Real Plan For the Economy. Governor Romney as Empty Words!
Snap Fact #311 - Obama Administration-Japan Agree on New Missile System!
Snap Fact #312 - Bagram prison control turned over to Afghans; President Obama Keeps a Commitment in Spite of Difficulties!
Snap Fact #313 - President Obama Fights for Veterans’ Jobs; While GOP Blocks Veterans Jobs Bill and Romney Insults Veterans!
Snap Fact #314 - Romney: Etch-A-Sketch Vs. Obama: Etched in Stone!
Snap Fact #315 - President Obama is Standing on a Solid Pro-Worker Platform – Governor Romney Stands on an Anti-Labor Platform!
Snap Fact #316 - Comparing Platforms: Immigration Reform
Snap Fact #317 - Comparing Platforms: Energy Reform
Snap Fact #318 - Equality and Gender Issues.
Snap Fact #319 - Comparing Platforms: Assault Weapons Control.
Snap Fact #320 - Comparing Platforms; Social Security and Medicare
Snap Fact #321 - Comparing Platforms: Financial Industry Reform
Snap Fact #322 - Comparing Platforms: REFORM AND CLOSE all loopholes in Taxes
Snap Fact #323 Comparing Platforms: STRATEGY for America's Armed Forces
Snap Fact #324 - Why Didn't President Obama Get Everything He Wanted Passed in His First 2 Years in Office? Didn’t He Have a Democratic Majority?
Snap Fact #325 - Patrick Murphy, CPA - Vs. - Allen West. Who is the Asset? – Who is the Liability? Who is on Your Side of the Ledger?
Snap Fact #326 - Comparing Platforms: Building the economy through repairing the infrastructure.
Snap Fact #327 - Comparing Platforms: Women’s Right to Choose & Access to Birth Control
Snap Fact #328 - Comparing Platforms: Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Snap Fact #329 - Comparing Platforms: Equal Pay for Equal Work
Snap Fact #330 - Comparing Platforms: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Snap Fact #331 - Comparing Platforms: The Separation Between Church and State
Snap Fact #332: A Lesson About the 2012 Presidential Candidates.
Snap Fact #333 Comparing Platforms: Cuban Policies
Snap Fact #334 - Comparing Platforms: Education and Respect of the Profession of Teaching
Snap Fact #335 - Comparing Platforms: Protecting Pell Grants
Snap Fact #336 - Comparing Platforms: Sex Education in Schools
Snap Fact #337 - Thank you Mr. President
Snap Fact #338 - Comparing Platforms: GENERAL EDUCATION
Snap Fact #339 - Comparing Platforms: International Affairs
Snap Fact #340 Comparing Platforms: Support for Israel
Snap Fact #341 Comparing Platforms: Defense Industry Spending and Military Bases.
Snap Fact #342 Comparing Platforms: New GI Bill for Veterans
Snap Fact #343 Comparing Platforms: Federal Fundng for Disaster Relief
Snap Fact #344 Comparing Platforms: Voting Rights
Snap Fact #345 Comparing Platforms: Environmental Protection Agency
Snap Fact #346 Comparing Platforms: Alternative Energy Sources
Snap Fact #347 - President Obama Lights the Menorah in the White House While Mitt Romney Baptizes Murdered Holocaust Victims as Mormons!
Snap Fact #348 - Don’t Let Then Fool You. President Obama’s Economy is Improving Every Day, in Every Way – See It and Believe It!
Snap Fact #349 - What’s That, Obama is Bad for Small Business? Mr. Romney Will Have to Find Yet Another Story!
Snap Fact #350 - President Obama Goes where no President dared to go before. Americas Space Program Comes Rocketing Back Under His Leadership!
Snap Fact #351 - Another Economic Myth Exploded; Interest Payments on National Debt Under President Obama is Near 40 Year Low!
Snap Fact #352 - OFF WITH THE GLOVES! TRM follows the lead of President Obama as We Go From Push-back to Punch-back
Snap Fact #353 - President Obama Fights Hard for Women’s Rights: The Republicans Think That Women Should Be Subservient to Men
Snap Fact #354 - FACT: President Obama Supports Workers’ Rights. PUNCH BACK: The Republicans Want to Push Workers Rights Back 100 years
Snap Fact #355 - President Obama is Four Square For Every Citizen to Vote: While Republicans Are Attempting to Suppress the Vote!
Snap Fact #356 - President Obama Says What He Means and He Does What He Says. The Opposition Says What is Mean and They Don’t Have the Means to Govern
Snap Fact #357 - GLOVES OFF: President Obama Understands the Constitution: While Republicans Attack the Separation of Church and State
Snap Fact #358 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama is Highly Regarded Overseas; Republicans Lie That the World Hates Him.
Snap Fact #359 - GLOVES OFF! - Is President Obama really a Communist/Fascist? Here’s a Good Halloween Scare
Snap Fact #360 - It Took Divine Intervention to Allow All Americans to See the Greatness of President Obama
Snap Fact #361 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama’s Plan Has Been Thwarted by a Republican Congress. Here Are the Actual Facts of What the Republican Congress Road Blocked
Snap Fact #362 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama is THE Rational Man; Republicans Oppose Rational Thinking and Common Sense
Snap Fact #363 - PUNCH BACK: Be Careful What You Wish For. Romney undresses himself before your eyes
Snap Fact #364 - President Obama & Mitt Romney Side By Side ala the New York Times Endorsement
Snap Fact #365 - President Obama’s Successful Team Vs. Governor Romney’s Failed Team
Snap Fact #366 - If You Are Reading This We Know You Will Go to the Polls as an Educated Voter
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Special Snap Fact - A Comparison of the 2012 Democratic and Republic Party Platform Documents
The Last American Troops Left Iraq Today!
Snap Facts
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Fact #8
Fact #9
Snap Tuit
Snap-Dragon #1
Snap-Dragon #2
Snap-Dragon #3 - Do You Believe That President Obama Is Going To Tax Every Transaction You Make?
Mostly False
Mostly True
Pants on Fire
The Keystone XL Pipeline
The National Debt
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Snap Backs
Snap Facts
President Obama’s Impeccable Negotiation Record Stands as Russian Ships Turn Back
Snap Fact #102
Snap Fact #103
Snap Fact #104
Snap Fact #105
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Snap Fact #185
Snap Fact #186
Snap Fact #187 - The 2 Part Story Of The President's Success In Yemen Is One That You REALLY Need To Know!
Snap Fact #188 - The 2 Part Story Of The President's Success In Yemen Is One That You REALLY Need To Know!
Snap Fact #189 - The Obama Administration Ordered Restructuring of Minerals Management Service to Cut Energy Company Ties to the Government!
Snap Fact #190 - President Obama's AIG Bailout Settlement Plan Results In A Revived Company + A Net Gain to U.S. Taxpayers Of $Billions in Profit!
Snap Fact #191 - President Obama’s Justice Department Slows Down A Power Hungry Bully!
Snap Fact #192 - President Obama’s Energy Program Will Have Great Long Term Effect But Little In The Short Term!
Snap Fact #193 - President Obama Successfully Endorsed and Supported an Act To Close Offshore Tax Avoidance Loopholes!
Snap Fact #194 - Showing His Leadership Qualities, President Obama Gives Congress To-Do List on Jobs, Economy!
Snap Fact #195 - Senators Menendez and Boxer Introduce The Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2012, a Key Part of President Obama’s “To Do List”!
Snap Fact #196 - President Obama Has Consistently Championed Equal Rights For Gays and Lesbians!
Snap Fact #197 - President Obama Leads “Team of Rivals” to Excellence in Government!
Snap Fact #198 - President Obama’s Life Experiences Inspire His Strong Stand For Women!
Snap Fact #199 - Credit Governor Romney With One of President Obama’s Great Successes!
Snap Fact #200 - Growth Rate of Federal Spending, Under President Obama, is Lowest in Sixty Years!
Snap Fact #201 - President Obama Established the White House Council on Women and Girls!
Snap Fact #202 - President Barack Hussein Obama Was Awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize!
Snap Fact #203 - President Obama Stands Up For The Environment At Yucca Mountain!
Snap Fact #204 - President Obama Shows Respect and Support For Families of Fallen Soldiers!
Snap Fact #205 - President Obama Honored Fallen Soldiers and Veterans on Memorial Day!
Snap Fact #206 - President Obama Motivated the Senate’s Decision To Eliminate the F-22 Fighter Jet Program!
Snap Fact #207 - President Obama Advocates Growth over Austerity!
Snap Fact #208 - President Obama Established A Public Health Council To Improve American’s Health Care!
Snap Fact #209 - President Obama Proposes Robust Bank Regulation to Protect Taxpayers!
Snap Fact #210 - President Obama Moves to Level the Playing Field with China!
Snap Fact #211 - Federal Appeals Court Backs President Obama’s Position on Defense of Marriage Act!
Snap Fact #212 - The True Story About Presidents Bush’s and Obama’s Solyndra Initiative!
Snap Fact #213 - President Obama takes a page from the Moody Blues in His Stunning Space Program Victory!
Snap Fact #214 - President Obama’s Courageous Drone War is Decimating Al-Qaeda!
Snap Fact #215 - Presidents Obama and Bush’s Top Secret Cyber-Weapon Program Springs Leaks!
Snap Fact #216 - 2012 Progress Report: President Obama's Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)!
Snap Fact #217 - Super-Snap – What You Really NEED To Know About ObamaCare!
Snap Fact #218 - ObamaCare Provides Protection From Insurance Company Cancellations!
Snap Fact #219 - ObamaCare Guarantees That Sick Children Can’t Be Denied Coverage!
Snap Fact #220 - ObamaCare Helps You If You’re Uninsured or Losing Your Coverage!
Snap Fact #221 - ObamaCare Eliminates Concerns About Continued Treatment For Chronic Illness!
Snap Fact #222 - ObamaCare Provides New Resources to Help You Get Coverage!
Snap Fact #223 - ObamaCare Provides Positive Medicare Changes For Seniors!
Snap Fact #224 - ObamaCare Offers Positive Changes For Small Employers!
Snap Fact #225 - ObamaCare Provides New Help for Health-Care Costs!
Snap Fact #226 - ObamaCare Allows For Justifiable Rate Increases!
Snap Fact #227 - ObamaCare Assures Essential Health Benefits Even For Individuals and Small Groups!
Snap Fact #228 - Are We Better Off Today Than 4 Years Ago, Before President Obama Took Office?
Snap Fact #229 - The Obama Administration Provided $5 Billion to Early Learning Programs!
Snap Fact #230 - Obama’s Administration Finalizes Life-Saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards!
Snap Fact #231 - President Obama leads again - He Orders U.S. to Stop Deportation of Qualified Young "Illegals"!
Snap Fact #232 - President Obama Oversaw an Act that Provided $2 Billion for Neighborhood Stabilization!
Snap Fact #233 - How Many Times Does a Man Have to Hear That Obama is a Committed Friend of Israel?
Snap Fact #234 - President Obama Provided $2.1 Billion in Additional Funding to Head Start Programs!
Snap Fact #235 - The Obama Administration Provided $5 Billion to Early Learning Programs!
Snap Fact #236 - Another Reason to Love ObamaCare: 3 Million Young Americans Now Have Health Insurance That Did Not Have It Before!
Snap Fact #237 - President Obama Gains a Double (Arguably Triple) Victory For the Good of the Country!
Snap Fact #238 - "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" President Obama Decides What to do With a Witch’s Brew in a Cauldron of Oil
Snap Fact #239 - The Obama Administration Enforced Federal Mandate to Cover Free Contraceptives for Women!
Snap Fact #240 - President Obama Proposes to Increase Consumer Tax Credit for Plug-in Hybrid Cars!
Snap Fact #241 - President Obama has fought for American Jobs Creation, While Governor Romney Pioneered Job Outsourcing!
Snap Fact #242 - President Obama has fought for American Jobs Creation, While Governor Romney Pioneered Job Outsourcing!
Snap Fact #243 - President Obama Has Changed The Conversation: Pentagon Will Celebrate Gay Pride!
Snap Fact #244 - President Obama Supports Teachers and Teachers Support the President, in Spite of Some Policy Disagreements!
Snap Fact #245 - On the 40th anniversary of the law that ended gender discrimination in schools, President Barack Obama reflects on how Title IX shaped a generation of strong women!
Snap Fact #246 - Another Obama Eco-Friendly Scheme: Development and Usage of Biobased Products Helps Farmers while Helping Our Ecology!
Snap Fact #247 - President Obama Signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act to Support Volunteerism!
Snap Fact #248 - President Obama Keeps A Promise… Osama bin Laden Pays the Freight!
Snap Fact #249 - The Chess Master President Takes Two More Pieces in the Global Chess Game He’s Playing in Pakistan & Afghanistan!
Snap Fact #250 - The Chess Master President Takes Two More Pieces in the Global Chess Game He’s Playing in Pakistan & Afghanistan!
Snap Fact #251 - President Obama Continues to Work for a Just and Sustainable Israeli-Palestinian Peace!
Snap Fact #252 - Declining Medicare Costs Attest To The Promise Of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act!
Snap Fact #253 - The Obama Administration Restores Practice of Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers and Veterans!
Snap Fact #254 - President Obama's Stimulus Improves Veteran Affairs Health Services by Funding VA Electronic Medical Record System!
Snap Fact #255 - President Obama Comforts the Bereaved in Aurora, Colorado!
Snap Fact #256 - President Obama Ended The Unsuccessful "Star Wars" Program!
Snap Fact #257 - The Objective Economic Skinny on the Financial Aspects of ObamaCare - it's a no-brainer!
Snap Fact #258 - President Obama Created an Artist Corps for Public Schools!
Snap Fact #259 - President Obama Champions the Importance of the Arts Education!
Snap Fact #260 - President Obama Signs New Enhanced Israel Security Bill on July 27, 2012!
Snap Fact #261 - President Obama Requested to Increase Funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Smithsonian!
Snap Fact #262 - President Obama Signs New Enhanced Israel Security Bill on July 27, 2012!
Snap Fact #263 - ObamaCare ObamaCheck is On Its Way To Millions!
Snap Fact #264 - President Obama affected a Staff Pay Freeze and Limited Their Lobbying Actions via Executive Order!
Snap Fact #265 - President Obama Made Donations to Haiti Disaster Relief Tax Deductible!
Snap Fact #266 - Obama Administration to Finalize New 54.5 Gasoline Mileage Standard; Romney Vows to Rescind the Standard if Elected President!
Snap Fact #267 - President Obama Leads the Democratic Party into an Historic Step for Justice For All!
Snap Fact #268 - President Obama Has the Only Tax Plan That Will Help the Middle Class!
Snap Fact #269 - Native Americans Know That President Obama Has Their Backs; and Backs Up His Words With Actions!
Snap Fact #270 - Iran's Smugglers Feel the Squeeze of Obama Administration & EU Sanctions!
Snap Fact #271 - President Obama Has Doubled Down On the Rich Tradition Of Presidential Relations With the American Jewish Community!
Snap Fact #272 - What Would Women's Health Be Without ObamaCare?
Snap Fact #273 - President Obama Celebrates the Citizenship and Contributions of All Americans!
Snap Fact #274 - President Obama’s Choice of Vice President Joseph Biden in 2008 Contrasts Radically with Governor Romney’s Selection of Paul Ryan!
Snap Fact #275 - President Obama Has Unbelievably Been Stonewalled By Congress on Veterans Benefits!
Snap Fact #276 -The Obama Recovery Act Was a Job Creating Machine! Part 1 of 5
Snap Fact #277 - The Obama Recovery Act was virtually free of waste, pork and fraud! Part 2 of 5
Snap Fact #278 - An Even Bigger Obama Recovery Act would have been better, but was unachievable! Part 3 of 5
Snap Fact #279 - The Obama Recovery Act, Like the New Deal, Will Leave a Cherished National Legacy! Part 4 of 5
Snap Fact #280 - The Passage and Success of the Obama Recovery Act was a stunning accomplishment! Part 5 of 5
Snap Fact #281 - President Obama is 4-Square for the Farm Bill; Florida’s JR Gaillot Stands Beside the President!
Snap Fact #282 - Obama Executive Order: Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls!
Snap Fact #283 - The Obama Administration has added less than 20% as Much to the National Debt as Compared With the Bush Administration!
Snap Fact #284 - President Obama Has Strengthened Medicare: Republicans Have Totally Distorted His Achievement!
Snap Fact #285 - President Obama’s Rational Jobs Plans Ambushed by Republican Wrecking Crew – Cost 4 Million Jobs and Counting!
Snap Fact #286 - President Obama’s Performance in Office Earns Accolades from Two High Profile Former Jewish Critics – Part 1
Snap Fact #287 - President Obama’s Performance in Office Earns Accolades from Two High Profile Former Jewish Critics – Part 2
Snap Fact #288 - 1.7 Million Youngsters affected by the President’s “Obamagration” Policy!
Snap Fact #289 - Obama Administration Pushes for Infertility Treatments; Romney/Ryan’s Plan Could Send Romney's Sons to Jail!
Snap Fact #290 - President Obama Fights to Reverse the Shrinking of the American Middle Class!
Snap Fact #291 - Why Do We Continue to Publish SNAP-CAPs on President Obama’s Commitment to Israel? Let Edgar Bronfman Say it Clearly!
Snap Fact #292 - President Obama’s Policies Have Been Bringing Back the Very Industry the Governor Romney Helped to Outsource!
Snap Fact #293 - President Obama Gave Us ObamaCare - GOP False Claims Ring Hollow!
Snap Fact #294 - President Obama Has Been Thoroughly Vetted while Governor Romney Hides Under a Shroud of Mystery – Part 1
Snap Fact #295 - President Obama Has Been Thoroughly Vetted while Governor Romney Hides Under a Shroud of Mystery – Part 2
Snap Fact #296 - The Obama Administration Has Finalized Historic Clean Car Standards!
Snap Fact #297 - President Obama Was Not a Businessman – Mitt Romney Was – How Has That Prepared Them to Be President? – Part 1 – The Real Olympics Story!
Snap Fact #298 - President Obama Was Not a Businessman – Mitt Romney Was – How Has That Prepared Them to Be President? – Part 2 – The Real Bain Story!
Snap Fact #299 - The Obama Administration Has Finalized Historic Clean Car Standards!
Snap Fact #300 - President Obama's Job Creation Record is Outstanding by Any Measurement - Except in the Republican Propaganda World!
Snap Fact #301 - The Obama Administration Expanded the Nurse-Family Partnership to Low-Income, First Time Mothers!
Snap Fact #302 - President Obama Established “Promise Neighborhood” Grants to Give Disadvantaged Youngsters a Hand Up Rather Than a Hand Out!
Snap Fact #303 - President Obama Sends Another Al-Qaida Leader To Meet The Virgins!
Snap Fact #304 - While Fact Checkers Point Out Some Spin in President Obama’s Speech; They Clobber Ryan’s Incredible Mendacity!
Snap Fact #305 - President Obama’s Long Term Research Program is Paying Off with Stunning Medical Breakthroughs!
Snap Fact #306 - Alan Grayson of Florida’s 9th District Will Press the President To Focus on Getting the Housing Market Back In Shape!
Snap Fact #307 - President Obama’s First Term Accomplishments Are Remarkable. Imagine What He will be Able to Do in His Next Term!
Snap Fact #308 - Why People Love ObamaCare (Another SNAP-FACTUAL Pocket-Card Special)!
Snap Fact #309 - President Obama Fights to Help Families Save Their Homes – and He Wins For 1.2 Million!
Snap Fact #310 - President Obama Has a Real Plan For the Economy. Governor Romney as Empty Words!
Snap Fact #311 - Obama Administration-Japan Agree on New Missile System!
Snap Fact #312 - Bagram prison control turned over to Afghans; President Obama Keeps a Commitment in Spite of Difficulties!
Snap Fact #313 - President Obama Fights for Veterans’ Jobs; While GOP Blocks Veterans Jobs Bill and Romney Insults Veterans!
Snap Fact #314 - Romney: Etch-A-Sketch Vs. Obama: Etched in Stone!
Snap Fact #315 - President Obama is Standing on a Solid Pro-Worker Platform – Governor Romney Stands on an Anti-Labor Platform!
Snap Fact #316 - Comparing Platforms: Immigration Reform
Snap Fact #317 - Comparing Platforms: Energy Reform
Snap Fact #318 - Equality and Gender Issues.
Snap Fact #319 - Comparing Platforms: Assault Weapons Control.
Snap Fact #320 - Comparing Platforms; Social Security and Medicare
Snap Fact #321 - Comparing Platforms: Financial Industry Reform
Snap Fact #322 - Comparing Platforms: REFORM AND CLOSE all loopholes in Taxes
Snap Fact #323 Comparing Platforms: STRATEGY for America's Armed Forces
Snap Fact #324 - Why Didn't President Obama Get Everything He Wanted Passed in His First 2 Years in Office? Didn’t He Have a Democratic Majority?
Snap Fact #325 - Patrick Murphy, CPA - Vs. - Allen West. Who is the Asset? – Who is the Liability? Who is on Your Side of the Ledger?
Snap Fact #326 - Comparing Platforms: Building the economy through repairing the infrastructure.
Snap Fact #327 - Comparing Platforms: Women’s Right to Choose & Access to Birth Control
Snap Fact #328 - Comparing Platforms: Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Snap Fact #329 - Comparing Platforms: Equal Pay for Equal Work
Snap Fact #330 - Comparing Platforms: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Snap Fact #331 - Comparing Platforms: The Separation Between Church and State
Snap Fact #332: A Lesson About the 2012 Presidential Candidates.
Snap Fact #333 Comparing Platforms: Cuban Policies
Snap Fact #334 - Comparing Platforms: Education and Respect of the Profession of Teaching
Snap Fact #335 - Comparing Platforms: Protecting Pell Grants
Snap Fact #336 - Comparing Platforms: Sex Education in Schools
Snap Fact #337 - Thank you Mr. President
Snap Fact #338 - Comparing Platforms: GENERAL EDUCATION
Snap Fact #339 - Comparing Platforms: International Affairs
Snap Fact #340 Comparing Platforms: Support for Israel
Snap Fact #341 Comparing Platforms: Defense Industry Spending and Military Bases.
Snap Fact #342 Comparing Platforms: New GI Bill for Veterans
Snap Fact #343 Comparing Platforms: Federal Fundng for Disaster Relief
Snap Fact #344 Comparing Platforms: Voting Rights
Snap Fact #345 Comparing Platforms: Environmental Protection Agency
Snap Fact #346 Comparing Platforms: Alternative Energy Sources
Snap Fact #347 - President Obama Lights the Menorah in the White House While Mitt Romney Baptizes Murdered Holocaust Victims as Mormons!
Snap Fact #348 - Don’t Let Then Fool You. President Obama’s Economy is Improving Every Day, in Every Way – See It and Believe It!
Snap Fact #349 - What’s That, Obama is Bad for Small Business? Mr. Romney Will Have to Find Yet Another Story!
Snap Fact #350 - President Obama Goes where no President dared to go before. Americas Space Program Comes Rocketing Back Under His Leadership!
Snap Fact #351 - Another Economic Myth Exploded; Interest Payments on National Debt Under President Obama is Near 40 Year Low!
Snap Fact #352 - OFF WITH THE GLOVES! TRM follows the lead of President Obama as We Go From Push-back to Punch-back
Snap Fact #353 - President Obama Fights Hard for Women’s Rights: The Republicans Think That Women Should Be Subservient to Men
Snap Fact #354 - FACT: President Obama Supports Workers’ Rights. PUNCH BACK: The Republicans Want to Push Workers Rights Back 100 years
Snap Fact #355 - President Obama is Four Square For Every Citizen to Vote: While Republicans Are Attempting to Suppress the Vote!
Snap Fact #356 - President Obama Says What He Means and He Does What He Says. The Opposition Says What is Mean and They Don’t Have the Means to Govern
Snap Fact #357 - GLOVES OFF: President Obama Understands the Constitution: While Republicans Attack the Separation of Church and State
Snap Fact #358 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama is Highly Regarded Overseas; Republicans Lie That the World Hates Him.
Snap Fact #359 - GLOVES OFF! - Is President Obama really a Communist/Fascist? Here’s a Good Halloween Scare
Snap Fact #360 - It Took Divine Intervention to Allow All Americans to See the Greatness of President Obama
Snap Fact #361 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama’s Plan Has Been Thwarted by a Republican Congress. Here Are the Actual Facts of What the Republican Congress Road Blocked
Snap Fact #362 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama is THE Rational Man; Republicans Oppose Rational Thinking and Common Sense
Snap Fact #363 - PUNCH BACK: Be Careful What You Wish For. Romney undresses himself before your eyes
Snap Fact #364 - President Obama & Mitt Romney Side By Side ala the New York Times Endorsement
Snap Fact #365 - President Obama’s Successful Team Vs. Governor Romney’s Failed Team
Snap Fact #366 - If You Are Reading This We Know You Will Go to the Polls as an Educated Voter
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Special Snap Fact - A Comparison of the 2012 Democratic and Republic Party Platform Documents
The Last American Troops Left Iraq Today!
Snap Facts
Fact #15
Fact #1
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Fact #5
Fact #6
Fact #7
Fact #8
Fact #9
Snap Tuit
Snap-Dragon #1
Snap-Dragon #2
Snap-Dragon #3 - Do You Believe That President Obama Is Going To Tax Every Transaction You Make?
Mostly False
Mostly True
Pants on Fire
The Keystone XL Pipeline
The National Debt
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Snap Facts
President Obama’s Impeccable Negotiation Record Stands as Russian Ships Turn Back
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Snap Fact #185
Snap Fact #186
Snap Fact #187 - The 2 Part Story Of The President's Success In Yemen Is One That You REALLY Need To Know!
Snap Fact #188 - The 2 Part Story Of The President's Success In Yemen Is One That You REALLY Need To Know!
Snap Fact #189 - The Obama Administration Ordered Restructuring of Minerals Management Service to Cut Energy Company Ties to the Government!
Snap Fact #190 - President Obama's AIG Bailout Settlement Plan Results In A Revived Company + A Net Gain to U.S. Taxpayers Of $Billions in Profit!
Snap Fact #191 - President Obama’s Justice Department Slows Down A Power Hungry Bully!
Snap Fact #192 - President Obama’s Energy Program Will Have Great Long Term Effect But Little In The Short Term!
Snap Fact #193 - President Obama Successfully Endorsed and Supported an Act To Close Offshore Tax Avoidance Loopholes!
Snap Fact #194 - Showing His Leadership Qualities, President Obama Gives Congress To-Do List on Jobs, Economy!
Snap Fact #195 - Senators Menendez and Boxer Introduce The Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2012, a Key Part of President Obama’s “To Do List”!
Snap Fact #196 - President Obama Has Consistently Championed Equal Rights For Gays and Lesbians!
Snap Fact #197 - President Obama Leads “Team of Rivals” to Excellence in Government!
Snap Fact #198 - President Obama’s Life Experiences Inspire His Strong Stand For Women!
Snap Fact #199 - Credit Governor Romney With One of President Obama’s Great Successes!
Snap Fact #200 - Growth Rate of Federal Spending, Under President Obama, is Lowest in Sixty Years!
Snap Fact #201 - President Obama Established the White House Council on Women and Girls!
Snap Fact #202 - President Barack Hussein Obama Was Awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize!
Snap Fact #203 - President Obama Stands Up For The Environment At Yucca Mountain!
Snap Fact #204 - President Obama Shows Respect and Support For Families of Fallen Soldiers!
Snap Fact #205 - President Obama Honored Fallen Soldiers and Veterans on Memorial Day!
Snap Fact #206 - President Obama Motivated the Senate’s Decision To Eliminate the F-22 Fighter Jet Program!
Snap Fact #207 - President Obama Advocates Growth over Austerity!
Snap Fact #208 - President Obama Established A Public Health Council To Improve American’s Health Care!
Snap Fact #209 - President Obama Proposes Robust Bank Regulation to Protect Taxpayers!
Snap Fact #210 - President Obama Moves to Level the Playing Field with China!
Snap Fact #211 - Federal Appeals Court Backs President Obama’s Position on Defense of Marriage Act!
Snap Fact #212 - The True Story About Presidents Bush’s and Obama’s Solyndra Initiative!
Snap Fact #213 - President Obama takes a page from the Moody Blues in His Stunning Space Program Victory!
Snap Fact #214 - President Obama’s Courageous Drone War is Decimating Al-Qaeda!
Snap Fact #215 - Presidents Obama and Bush’s Top Secret Cyber-Weapon Program Springs Leaks!
Snap Fact #216 - 2012 Progress Report: President Obama's Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)!
Snap Fact #217 - Super-Snap – What You Really NEED To Know About ObamaCare!
Snap Fact #218 - ObamaCare Provides Protection From Insurance Company Cancellations!
Snap Fact #219 - ObamaCare Guarantees That Sick Children Can’t Be Denied Coverage!
Snap Fact #220 - ObamaCare Helps You If You’re Uninsured or Losing Your Coverage!
Snap Fact #221 - ObamaCare Eliminates Concerns About Continued Treatment For Chronic Illness!
Snap Fact #222 - ObamaCare Provides New Resources to Help You Get Coverage!
Snap Fact #223 - ObamaCare Provides Positive Medicare Changes For Seniors!
Snap Fact #224 - ObamaCare Offers Positive Changes For Small Employers!
Snap Fact #225 - ObamaCare Provides New Help for Health-Care Costs!
Snap Fact #226 - ObamaCare Allows For Justifiable Rate Increases!
Snap Fact #227 - ObamaCare Assures Essential Health Benefits Even For Individuals and Small Groups!
Snap Fact #228 - Are We Better Off Today Than 4 Years Ago, Before President Obama Took Office?
Snap Fact #229 - The Obama Administration Provided $5 Billion to Early Learning Programs!
Snap Fact #230 - Obama’s Administration Finalizes Life-Saving Mercury and Air Toxics Standards!
Snap Fact #231 - President Obama leads again - He Orders U.S. to Stop Deportation of Qualified Young "Illegals"!
Snap Fact #232 - President Obama Oversaw an Act that Provided $2 Billion for Neighborhood Stabilization!
Snap Fact #233 - How Many Times Does a Man Have to Hear That Obama is a Committed Friend of Israel?
Snap Fact #234 - President Obama Provided $2.1 Billion in Additional Funding to Head Start Programs!
Snap Fact #235 - The Obama Administration Provided $5 Billion to Early Learning Programs!
Snap Fact #236 - Another Reason to Love ObamaCare: 3 Million Young Americans Now Have Health Insurance That Did Not Have It Before!
Snap Fact #237 - President Obama Gains a Double (Arguably Triple) Victory For the Good of the Country!
Snap Fact #238 - "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" President Obama Decides What to do With a Witch’s Brew in a Cauldron of Oil
Snap Fact #239 - The Obama Administration Enforced Federal Mandate to Cover Free Contraceptives for Women!
Snap Fact #240 - President Obama Proposes to Increase Consumer Tax Credit for Plug-in Hybrid Cars!
Snap Fact #241 - President Obama has fought for American Jobs Creation, While Governor Romney Pioneered Job Outsourcing!
Snap Fact #242 - President Obama has fought for American Jobs Creation, While Governor Romney Pioneered Job Outsourcing!
Snap Fact #243 - President Obama Has Changed The Conversation: Pentagon Will Celebrate Gay Pride!
Snap Fact #244 - President Obama Supports Teachers and Teachers Support the President, in Spite of Some Policy Disagreements!
Snap Fact #245 - On the 40th anniversary of the law that ended gender discrimination in schools, President Barack Obama reflects on how Title IX shaped a generation of strong women!
Snap Fact #246 - Another Obama Eco-Friendly Scheme: Development and Usage of Biobased Products Helps Farmers while Helping Our Ecology!
Snap Fact #247 - President Obama Signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act to Support Volunteerism!
Snap Fact #248 - President Obama Keeps A Promise… Osama bin Laden Pays the Freight!
Snap Fact #249 - The Chess Master President Takes Two More Pieces in the Global Chess Game He’s Playing in Pakistan & Afghanistan!
Snap Fact #250 - The Chess Master President Takes Two More Pieces in the Global Chess Game He’s Playing in Pakistan & Afghanistan!
Snap Fact #251 - President Obama Continues to Work for a Just and Sustainable Israeli-Palestinian Peace!
Snap Fact #252 - Declining Medicare Costs Attest To The Promise Of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act!
Snap Fact #253 - The Obama Administration Restores Practice of Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers and Veterans!
Snap Fact #254 - President Obama's Stimulus Improves Veteran Affairs Health Services by Funding VA Electronic Medical Record System!
Snap Fact #255 - President Obama Comforts the Bereaved in Aurora, Colorado!
Snap Fact #256 - President Obama Ended The Unsuccessful "Star Wars" Program!
Snap Fact #257 - The Objective Economic Skinny on the Financial Aspects of ObamaCare - it's a no-brainer!
Snap Fact #258 - President Obama Created an Artist Corps for Public Schools!
Snap Fact #259 - President Obama Champions the Importance of the Arts Education!
Snap Fact #260 - President Obama Signs New Enhanced Israel Security Bill on July 27, 2012!
Snap Fact #261 - President Obama Requested to Increase Funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Smithsonian!
Snap Fact #262 - President Obama Signs New Enhanced Israel Security Bill on July 27, 2012!
Snap Fact #263 - ObamaCare ObamaCheck is On Its Way To Millions!
Snap Fact #264 - President Obama affected a Staff Pay Freeze and Limited Their Lobbying Actions via Executive Order!
Snap Fact #265 - President Obama Made Donations to Haiti Disaster Relief Tax Deductible!
Snap Fact #266 - Obama Administration to Finalize New 54.5 Gasoline Mileage Standard; Romney Vows to Rescind the Standard if Elected President!
Snap Fact #267 - President Obama Leads the Democratic Party into an Historic Step for Justice For All!
Snap Fact #268 - President Obama Has the Only Tax Plan That Will Help the Middle Class!
Snap Fact #269 - Native Americans Know That President Obama Has Their Backs; and Backs Up His Words With Actions!
Snap Fact #270 - Iran's Smugglers Feel the Squeeze of Obama Administration & EU Sanctions!
Snap Fact #271 - President Obama Has Doubled Down On the Rich Tradition Of Presidential Relations With the American Jewish Community!
Snap Fact #272 - What Would Women's Health Be Without ObamaCare?
Snap Fact #273 - President Obama Celebrates the Citizenship and Contributions of All Americans!
Snap Fact #274 - President Obama’s Choice of Vice President Joseph Biden in 2008 Contrasts Radically with Governor Romney’s Selection of Paul Ryan!
Snap Fact #275 - President Obama Has Unbelievably Been Stonewalled By Congress on Veterans Benefits!
Snap Fact #276 -The Obama Recovery Act Was a Job Creating Machine! Part 1 of 5
Snap Fact #277 - The Obama Recovery Act was virtually free of waste, pork and fraud! Part 2 of 5
Snap Fact #278 - An Even Bigger Obama Recovery Act would have been better, but was unachievable! Part 3 of 5
Snap Fact #279 - The Obama Recovery Act, Like the New Deal, Will Leave a Cherished National Legacy! Part 4 of 5
Snap Fact #280 - The Passage and Success of the Obama Recovery Act was a stunning accomplishment! Part 5 of 5
Snap Fact #281 - President Obama is 4-Square for the Farm Bill; Florida’s JR Gaillot Stands Beside the President!
Snap Fact #282 - Obama Executive Order: Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls!
Snap Fact #283 - The Obama Administration has added less than 20% as Much to the National Debt as Compared With the Bush Administration!
Snap Fact #284 - President Obama Has Strengthened Medicare: Republicans Have Totally Distorted His Achievement!
Snap Fact #285 - President Obama’s Rational Jobs Plans Ambushed by Republican Wrecking Crew – Cost 4 Million Jobs and Counting!
Snap Fact #286 - President Obama’s Performance in Office Earns Accolades from Two High Profile Former Jewish Critics – Part 1
Snap Fact #287 - President Obama’s Performance in Office Earns Accolades from Two High Profile Former Jewish Critics – Part 2
Snap Fact #288 - 1.7 Million Youngsters affected by the President’s “Obamagration” Policy!
Snap Fact #289 - Obama Administration Pushes for Infertility Treatments; Romney/Ryan’s Plan Could Send Romney's Sons to Jail!
Snap Fact #290 - President Obama Fights to Reverse the Shrinking of the American Middle Class!
Snap Fact #291 - Why Do We Continue to Publish SNAP-CAPs on President Obama’s Commitment to Israel? Let Edgar Bronfman Say it Clearly!
Snap Fact #292 - President Obama’s Policies Have Been Bringing Back the Very Industry the Governor Romney Helped to Outsource!
Snap Fact #293 - President Obama Gave Us ObamaCare - GOP False Claims Ring Hollow!
Snap Fact #294 - President Obama Has Been Thoroughly Vetted while Governor Romney Hides Under a Shroud of Mystery – Part 1
Snap Fact #295 - President Obama Has Been Thoroughly Vetted while Governor Romney Hides Under a Shroud of Mystery – Part 2
Snap Fact #296 - The Obama Administration Has Finalized Historic Clean Car Standards!
Snap Fact #297 - President Obama Was Not a Businessman – Mitt Romney Was – How Has That Prepared Them to Be President? – Part 1 – The Real Olympics Story!
Snap Fact #298 - President Obama Was Not a Businessman – Mitt Romney Was – How Has That Prepared Them to Be President? – Part 2 – The Real Bain Story!
Snap Fact #299 - The Obama Administration Has Finalized Historic Clean Car Standards!
Snap Fact #300 - President Obama's Job Creation Record is Outstanding by Any Measurement - Except in the Republican Propaganda World!
Snap Fact #301 - The Obama Administration Expanded the Nurse-Family Partnership to Low-Income, First Time Mothers!
Snap Fact #302 - President Obama Established “Promise Neighborhood” Grants to Give Disadvantaged Youngsters a Hand Up Rather Than a Hand Out!
Snap Fact #303 - President Obama Sends Another Al-Qaida Leader To Meet The Virgins!
Snap Fact #304 - While Fact Checkers Point Out Some Spin in President Obama’s Speech; They Clobber Ryan’s Incredible Mendacity!
Snap Fact #305 - President Obama’s Long Term Research Program is Paying Off with Stunning Medical Breakthroughs!
Snap Fact #306 - Alan Grayson of Florida’s 9th District Will Press the President To Focus on Getting the Housing Market Back In Shape!
Snap Fact #307 - President Obama’s First Term Accomplishments Are Remarkable. Imagine What He will be Able to Do in His Next Term!
Snap Fact #308 - Why People Love ObamaCare (Another SNAP-FACTUAL Pocket-Card Special)!
Snap Fact #309 - President Obama Fights to Help Families Save Their Homes – and He Wins For 1.2 Million!
Snap Fact #310 - President Obama Has a Real Plan For the Economy. Governor Romney as Empty Words!
Snap Fact #311 - Obama Administration-Japan Agree on New Missile System!
Snap Fact #312 - Bagram prison control turned over to Afghans; President Obama Keeps a Commitment in Spite of Difficulties!
Snap Fact #313 - President Obama Fights for Veterans’ Jobs; While GOP Blocks Veterans Jobs Bill and Romney Insults Veterans!
Snap Fact #314 - Romney: Etch-A-Sketch Vs. Obama: Etched in Stone!
Snap Fact #315 - President Obama is Standing on a Solid Pro-Worker Platform – Governor Romney Stands on an Anti-Labor Platform!
Snap Fact #316 - Comparing Platforms: Immigration Reform
Snap Fact #317 - Comparing Platforms: Energy Reform
Snap Fact #318 - Equality and Gender Issues.
Snap Fact #319 - Comparing Platforms: Assault Weapons Control.
Snap Fact #320 - Comparing Platforms; Social Security and Medicare
Snap Fact #321 - Comparing Platforms: Financial Industry Reform
Snap Fact #322 - Comparing Platforms: REFORM AND CLOSE all loopholes in Taxes
Snap Fact #323 Comparing Platforms: STRATEGY for America's Armed Forces
Snap Fact #324 - Why Didn't President Obama Get Everything He Wanted Passed in His First 2 Years in Office? Didn’t He Have a Democratic Majority?
Snap Fact #325 - Patrick Murphy, CPA - Vs. - Allen West. Who is the Asset? – Who is the Liability? Who is on Your Side of the Ledger?
Snap Fact #326 - Comparing Platforms: Building the economy through repairing the infrastructure.
Snap Fact #327 - Comparing Platforms: Women’s Right to Choose & Access to Birth Control
Snap Fact #328 - Comparing Platforms: Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Snap Fact #329 - Comparing Platforms: Equal Pay for Equal Work
Snap Fact #330 - Comparing Platforms: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Snap Fact #331 - Comparing Platforms: The Separation Between Church and State
Snap Fact #332: A Lesson About the 2012 Presidential Candidates.
Snap Fact #333 Comparing Platforms: Cuban Policies
Snap Fact #334 - Comparing Platforms: Education and Respect of the Profession of Teaching
Snap Fact #335 - Comparing Platforms: Protecting Pell Grants
Snap Fact #336 - Comparing Platforms: Sex Education in Schools
Snap Fact #337 - Thank you Mr. President
Snap Fact #338 - Comparing Platforms: GENERAL EDUCATION
Snap Fact #339 - Comparing Platforms: International Affairs
Snap Fact #340 Comparing Platforms: Support for Israel
Snap Fact #341 Comparing Platforms: Defense Industry Spending and Military Bases.
Snap Fact #342 Comparing Platforms: New GI Bill for Veterans
Snap Fact #343 Comparing Platforms: Federal Fundng for Disaster Relief
Snap Fact #344 Comparing Platforms: Voting Rights
Snap Fact #345 Comparing Platforms: Environmental Protection Agency
Snap Fact #346 Comparing Platforms: Alternative Energy Sources
Snap Fact #347 - President Obama Lights the Menorah in the White House While Mitt Romney Baptizes Murdered Holocaust Victims as Mormons!
Snap Fact #348 - Don’t Let Then Fool You. President Obama’s Economy is Improving Every Day, in Every Way – See It and Believe It!
Snap Fact #349 - What’s That, Obama is Bad for Small Business? Mr. Romney Will Have to Find Yet Another Story!
Snap Fact #350 - President Obama Goes where no President dared to go before. Americas Space Program Comes Rocketing Back Under His Leadership!
Snap Fact #351 - Another Economic Myth Exploded; Interest Payments on National Debt Under President Obama is Near 40 Year Low!
Snap Fact #352 - OFF WITH THE GLOVES! TRM follows the lead of President Obama as We Go From Push-back to Punch-back
Snap Fact #353 - President Obama Fights Hard for Women’s Rights: The Republicans Think That Women Should Be Subservient to Men
Snap Fact #354 - FACT: President Obama Supports Workers’ Rights. PUNCH BACK: The Republicans Want to Push Workers Rights Back 100 years
Snap Fact #355 - President Obama is Four Square For Every Citizen to Vote: While Republicans Are Attempting to Suppress the Vote!
Snap Fact #356 - President Obama Says What He Means and He Does What He Says. The Opposition Says What is Mean and They Don’t Have the Means to Govern
Snap Fact #357 - GLOVES OFF: President Obama Understands the Constitution: While Republicans Attack the Separation of Church and State
Snap Fact #358 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama is Highly Regarded Overseas; Republicans Lie That the World Hates Him.
Snap Fact #359 - GLOVES OFF! - Is President Obama really a Communist/Fascist? Here’s a Good Halloween Scare
Snap Fact #360 - It Took Divine Intervention to Allow All Americans to See the Greatness of President Obama
Snap Fact #361 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama’s Plan Has Been Thwarted by a Republican Congress. Here Are the Actual Facts of What the Republican Congress Road Blocked
Snap Fact #362 - PUNCH BACK: President Obama is THE Rational Man; Republicans Oppose Rational Thinking and Common Sense
Snap Fact #363 - PUNCH BACK: Be Careful What You Wish For. Romney undresses himself before your eyes
Snap Fact #364 - President Obama & Mitt Romney Side By Side ala the New York Times Endorsement
Snap Fact #365 - President Obama’s Successful Team Vs. Governor Romney’s Failed Team
Snap Fact #366 - If You Are Reading This We Know You Will Go to the Polls as an Educated Voter
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Snap-O Fact #99
Special Snap Fact - A Comparison of the 2012 Democratic and Republic Party Platform Documents
The Last American Troops Left Iraq Today!
Snap Facts
Fact #15
Fact #1
Fact #10
Fact #11
Fact #12
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Fact #41
Fact #5
Fact #6
Fact #7
Fact #8
Fact #9
Snap Tuit
Snap-Dragon #1
Snap-Dragon #2
Snap-Dragon #3 - Do You Believe That President Obama Is Going To Tax Every Transaction You Make?
Mostly False
Mostly True
Pants on Fire
The Keystone XL Pipeline
The National Debt
To All The Strong Women In My Life And The Men Who Support Us!
White House
Corporate Infusion
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